Published Oct 17, 2012
4 Posts
I'm a second semester nursing student and it is midsemester point. At this point I am angry and resentful. I have a mental health clinical and a medsurg this semester. With mental health we don't have to go the night before. However, we do careplans that day. We had to go to a support group meeting and interview a family/friend with a mental disorder. One care plan, the interview, and support group were due this week. I got my careplan back from the last time. She said that my pathos were not accurate. I got it from the much more accurate can I be than the criteria? On top of that we have to interview one of our med surg patients either this week or next whteek about adaptation to illness. REALLY? Its not like I spend an hour or two at the hospital the night before. Then stay up half the night writing a careplan and then wake up to be at the hospital at 645. I have plenty of time to interview the patient the night before or after post conference when I am completely exhausted.
I used to want to be a psych nurse. I worked as a tech over the summer and loved it. But now I HATE psych.
On top of all that we can go to the hospital from 3-5 or after 8pm. Mental health lecture runs from 1-3:50.
We have had several exams this semester with up to 3 being in one week (seeing as how we have class on tuesdays and thursdays you can see how this adds up)
On top of it my cousin died, and my stepgrandfather is dying and I dont even have the time to deal with it. I am crying at least once a day. I just had a major panic attack in my room. My doctor and I are having to double my anti-depressants just trying to rein me in. I am breaking down. I am so miserable I want to quit. It isn't worth this. My mom tries to encourage me by saying its almost over but it seems like such a long time. I don't know if I can deal with this.
I forgot to add that I don't feel close to my classmates. They all have their little cliques and I just don't fit in. I mean they are nice to me and all, but I don't feel the bond that everyone else seems to have.
wish_me_luck, BSN, RN
1,110 Posts
Make a countdown to remind yourself that it is almost over. Sleep when you can and if you do not need to work, then don't. Do you have a therapist? If not, then find one.
Just ask yourself this--if you quit nursing school, would you regret it when you get unstressed? The answer is most likely yes. This is temporary, think of all the good it will do for you in the future...
metal_m0nk, BSN, RN
920 Posts
I got my careplan back from the last time. She said that my pathos were not accurate. I got it from the much more accurate can I be than the criteria?
I think you misunderstand what pathophysiology means. The DSM is a diagnostics manual. It contains criteria necessary for diagnosis (things you can observe, like behaviors). Pathophysiology refers to physiology (things you can't neccessarily observe, like biological processes). So if you're discussing the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, you need to be talking about neurotransmitters, abnormalities in brain structure, and genetics...Not delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech patterns.
On our psych patho page she makes us put dsm criteria on there. I know it's not patho but its the way she has it.
66 Posts
I can't say I understand what you're going through completely, but I can relate to most. You are overwhelmed. Try your best to look for an outlet. When I feel overwhelmed I cry my eyes out and then go to the gym. Find someone who can sit down with you and listen, and then take some time to do something that will give your mind some relief from the craziness. Almost every other week I think "why in the world am I putting myself through this". Keep telling yourself it'll be worth it. Think about how proud your family (including the recently lost) will be that amongst all of the chaos, u did it. Keep pushing, before u know it we'll be out for break :) Best of luck to u