Burlington County College 2014-2015



Anyone trying to get into the Fall 2014 Nursing Program or the Spring 2015 Nursing Program at Burlington County College? Would love to make some fellow nursing friends so we can help each other get through school!!

Feel free to say hello.. I don't bite! Lol.


Hi, I a hoping to get into the fall program. Just waiting for the letters to be mailed. All classes are completed expect the nursing and I am beyond ready to get started. Have been applying and getting wait listed for about three years now! I am starting to wonder what's going on. How many classes do you have completed so far?


Hey Mdworthy! Oh man.. 3 years!? Ugh! I will be finished with all my pre reqs at the end of this July. I'm not holding my breath to getting into fall 2014.. ( I'd have to get wait listed and if someone drips out before August then just mayyyybe I'd make it in..). But like I said.. im not holding my breath for that. Im hoping I atleast get into the spring 2015 then. I took the TEAS already and passed and my gpa is pretty good.. so just trying to make it to the end of July now...

Got my letter today and wait listed again, idk....I have a ba in psych, GPS 3.0, all pre-reqs done. Why am I not being accepted? Plus, I did very well on my TEAS, help me, I am about to cry!

ugh.. I'm sorry girl. That does stink. Are you a Burlington county resident? I was reading another forum, from last year I believe, and a lot of people said they got a wait list letter in April and then received an acceptance letter a few months later. When I called the school a couple weeks ago, they said that they send out acceptance letters all the way up until basically the beginning of August. So you may still have a chance to get in for this semester. Hand in an application for Spring 2015 too!

I got my letter in the mail today too.. Waitlist. I wasn't holding my breath for it, seeing how I won't have all my pre reqs done until the end of July this year.

That stinks. We both have a chance if the wait list reaches us. I am a county resident and have nursing 1 complete from OCC. I suppose there is a higher power here having a say. It is what it is. I am getting an intent to enroll tomorrow for the spring term. I am also applying to Rutgers/UMDNJ just for back up. Oh well. Good luck to you and I hope we both reach a spot soon!

Damn. That's crazy that they've been wait listing you for so long. Like.. wth! :-/ Hope we both hear some good news in the near furture!!

Hey I just got into the fall 2014 program and was wondering what we had to do next. I've been checking the mail everyday to see if they would send us new info lol the wait is driving me crazy !

Congrats! Great that you got in. I still have 2 pre reqs to finish (which will be done by the end of this summer) so I don't think I will be receiving an acceptance letter for Fall 2014 (I got wait listed for it). I am hoping to get into Spring 2015 though!!

Good luck to you in the program!

Thank you so much and good luck to you too!!

I am trying to petition for Spring 2016, I am starting all the courses that are necessary this fall 2014. Im anxious and im just starting!

There is hope of getting in off of the wait list. I was wait listed for Fall 2014 and just received a letter saying I got in! Just waiting to hear what has to be done next.

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