
I have two questions:

1) when i graduate nursing school with my bsn will a hospital reimburse my tuition to get my masters? Is a nurse practitioner a nurse with a masters?

2) Do RNS get paid more working in hospitals as opposed to doctors offices?

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

I'm sure more people will have better advice for you than mine...but SOME hospitals will reimburse a percentage of your tuition if you've worked there a certain amount of time and commit yourself to working there after you graduate.

As for your second question NONE of the doctor's in my area employ RN's in their clinics. They mostly have CNAs and occasionally some LVNs (LPNs). Other areas might be different.

Good Luck :)

I have two questions:

1) when i graduate nursing school with my bsn will a hospital reimburse my tuition to get my masters? Is a nurse practitioner a nurse with a masters?

2) Do RNS get paid more working in hospitals as opposed to doctors offices?

1. I will be paying for almost 100 % of my MSN through the scholarship program at my hospital-I work full-time. If you work part time it is much less. If you are PRN you get nothing. Nurse Practitioners are Maters prepared-in our hospital there are a limited amount of scholarships to these since most won't work in thehospital after graduation.

2. i make $10+ more per hour because i work in the hospital.

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