does a BSN get you anywhere in informatics?


I'm working on my BSN right now and was wondering about the opportunities within informatics available to a RN with only a BSN. Is there meaningful employment for me or should I get a MSN. I don't really want to be a desk jockey for the rest of my life doing something that has no impact.

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

I hold a BSN and have been employed within this specialty for 14+ years. One would also need at minimum a BSN to sit for the NI certification. Depending on your geographical market and where you want your career to progress to , an advance degree might make you both more marketable and increase your chances of advancement into a leadership position.

Not quite sure what you mean related to "being a desk jockey" and "doing something that has no impact" Perhaps you need to learn about the roles within and the speciality of nursing informatics?

I'm working on my BSN right now and was wondering about the opportunities within informatics available to a RN with only a BSN. Is there meaningful employment for me or should I get a MSN. I don't really want to be a desk jockey for the rest of my life doing something that has no impact.

It's interesting that in 2012, we still have a number of nurses that feel like you only use your nursing knowledge and skills for direct patient care. That could not be further from the truth. As long as a nursing license is required for the job, you are required to use your nursing education and skill sets. I agree with rninformatics, learn about informatics and the roles within this great specialty.

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