BSN Beyond Bedside

Nurses Career Support


Specializes in ICU.

Hy All,

Most nurses obtain their BScN to move beyond the bedside. With the new minimum entry to practice, all nurses with BScN's will be working at the bedside. How will nursing have to change to attract, accommodate and retain this new breed of nurses? :uhoh3:


Specializes in Med-Surg.

What does "BScN" mean? Sorry, don't know. You must be in another country because here in the US there hasn't been a new minimum entry to practice.

As it is BSN graduates usually go to the beside along with ADN graduates, so no accommodations should be necessary should that ever happen here.


Specializes in ER.

They have been trying to implement this since I was in school in the early 70's. I don't see it happening in my working lifetime. They can't staff hospitals as it is, why turn away a huge percentage of nurses. Even if you grandfather in the current ASN, Diploma RN's, there are not enough BSN schools to fill the gap. Nope, don't see it.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

They're still trying, though, especially here in North Carolina. The radically-pro BSN subset in nursing may be small, but it is powerful. This faction has almost completely taken over our BON.

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