Published Oct 5, 2005
133 Posts
Does anybody know of a BS to Accelerated BSN program that starts in the summer around June? I've found a program that starts in May but I won't be finished with all of my prereqs until the end of next May. Cost is not an issue and location is not an issue either.
Thanks for the input!
29 Posts
There are several universities that allow you to finish your prerequisites BY May 2006 and then start the program IN May 2006. Sure that leaves you a week to get settled into the fact that you're starting an accelerated program.
I'm writing this spur of the moment so I can't remember exactly what universities. I think University of Miami in Florida has an Accelerated BSN program that starts in May and allows you to finish your prereqs by May.
Basically you're just gonna have to check. What schools were you interested in in the first place? Have you thought about and researched schools yet?
166 Posts
are there any in CA that start in the summer?
There are several universities that allow you to finish your prerequisites BY May 2006 and then start the program IN May 2006. Sure that leaves you a week to get settled into the fact that you're starting an accelerated program.I'm writing this spur of the moment so I can't remember exactly what universities. I think University of Miami in Florida has an accelerated BSN program that starts in May and allows you to finish your prereqs by May.Basically you're just gonna have to check. What schools were you interested in in the first place? Have you thought about and researched schools yet?
I'm writing this spur of the moment so I can't remember exactly what universities. I think University of Miami in Florida has an accelerated BSN program that starts in May and allows you to finish your prereqs by May.
I was interested in Jacksonville University and George Mason University. Jacksonville starts in May but I don't finish my prereqs until June of 2006. George Mason starts in the fall.
435 Posts
Hey Drugrep
Is this right? You work for a pharmaceutical co.? And you're going to give it up to go to RN school?
What is wrong with this picture? Lots of night-nurses in ICUs I work with chat about how GREAT it would be to travel on the expense acc't, wear nice clothes, not get pucked on, bled on, peed on, have to clean up poop, etc....
Wantta trade.....I have lots of takers....
Papaw John
(I guess this is kinda smart-ass answer. I 'spose you really have something going in your life that leads to this question. Is it too intrusive to ask "wassup"?)
142 Posts
In NYC, off the top of my head - SUNY Donwstate (15 months) and Columbia University (12 months). Both start June 1 and can finish prereqs by May 31.
Hey DrugrepIs this right? You work for a pharmaceutical co.? And you're going to give it up to go to RN school? What is wrong with this picture? Lots of night-nurses in ICUs I work with chat about how GREAT it would be to travel on the expense acc't, wear nice clothes, not get pucked on, bled on, peed on, have to clean up poop, etc....Wantta trade.....I have lots of takers....Papaw John(I guess this is kinda smart-ass answer. I 'spose you really have something going in your life that leads to this question. Is it too intrusive to ask "wassup"?)
I get asked this all the time so no worries. I've been a drug rep for 12 years. In between that time I've been a product manager, director of marketing etc and finally came back to sales. The job is not as glamorous as it seems. The doctors hate you because you take up their patient time. They like seeing us about as much as you would like for an IRS agent to show up at your front door. They only deal with us because of the samples we have. The money is ok but its not like it once was. The industry has changed and is moving towards only having part time employees as drug reps. I don't want to work part time so before it happens to me I'm looking at moving on to greener pastures. I had an exgirlfriend who was a CRNA and loved it. I did a few preceptorships with her in surgery and have decided that this is the route I want to take in life.