Published Jan 21, 2016
75 Posts
I just finished my first 12 hour shift (student status) and am not exactly used to standing most of the day (it's a quiet post-op floor). I did notice a throbbing feeling in my feet and legs which seems normal...gravity pulling the blood down. But I just got home and noticed I have many small bruises on my thighs no more than an inch in diameter. They're not from impact and I don't recall seeing them yesterday so I assume it was due to the shift.
1) Is this normal? My GP never pays attention to my inquiries as I've had strange bruising before but my blood work is normal.
2) Would compression stockings help? Any tips to prevent my legs from falling apart while I embark on this career?
Background: I'm only 30 and reasonably athletic (when I'm not in school) and average weight (120 lb) but since the semester started have been a little inactive, stuck in class and lab.
CountryMomma, ASN, RN
589 Posts
2) compression socks are ALWAYS a good idea. You can get them in cute patterns and different fabrics, different pressures.
1) I get little bruises across my thighs all the time. I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. Turns out that's right at the level my thighs meet the beds, and I bump into them without realizing it. Also, I whack my legs on the computers when at my station. I get little round bruises on the back of my arms from LOLs and LOMs grabbing/pinching (on accident) during transfers. I find bruises on my forearms from whacking them on door handles.
All of that I rarely notice as I do it, just find bruising later and go "huh".
39 Posts
I have often found bruises on my body after working, and had no recollection of any trauma. But if you bruise easily , I do, you can get bruised very easily, say, from doing transfers from stretchers to beds. But it certainly bears watching, and continues, you definitely need to see the doctor again. Varicose ties are a possibility, clots, too, though they usually start in the lower legs. And yes, compression panty hose could be helpful if they're varicosities. Perhaps a hematologist would the one to see, since you say you've had this before. Good luck!