Brookhaven (DCCCD) Fall 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


I know I'm a little early, but I'm anxious!!

Missed Spring '16 Deadline by ONE CLASS so I took the semester to get it together.

Anybody else prepping to start the application process in February?

Anybody else know the dates or have been to advising?? Talk to me people !!

I think it was 22.4 points last year that was the cut off. I could be wrong though. I think 26 points is pretty good! I was told getting an interview could require you to have anywhere from 20-30 points, it just depends on how competitive this semester will be. I really hope 29.91 points will be enough, especially if it's really competitive. I didn't get in last semester.

29.91?? just sit back and sip on a beer. or maybe several. You're good for sure.

Lol thank you! Too bad I'm not old enough to drink quite yet.

Yeah I wouldn't worry at all about 29.91 points at all. That's amazing. I know that every year there are more applicants sp I think the point value needed for the interview is slowly going up. I can't wait to find out. I know we still have like 4 weeks or so until we find out. Good luck to everyone. :)

It was quite competitive for Spring '16, as someone with .04 more than me was accepted while I was an alternate. I thought maybe I bombed the interview. But when I reached out for feedback, she told me I scored well on my interview, and encouraged me to finish getting my support classes (I didn't have patho, pharm or micro). I'm currently in micro and completed pharm, so will apply with 3 more points than last semester. I'm hoping that, as well as it being a bigger class, will be sufficient. They really encouraged having all the support classes complete before starting the RN program. They said students who were trying to take the support classes during the program really struggled a lot more.

I'll be turning in my application on Monday morning, so I'll ask Barb how it's looking. It doesn't seem to be as nerve-racking this time around. Hopefully that's a good thing.

How many points did you have last semester if you don't mind me asking? I wonder how many people are going to put in an application this go around. I hope it's not super competitive. I took micro during the fall & one girl in my class was already in the program trying to take it. I can't believe it. She was hoping for a C in that class. I'm so glad I took all the support classes except for pathophysiology! Only a couple more days left to turn applications in! March 24th needs to hurry.

I had 24.1 last semester. I'm sure it's quite intense in the program with just the nursing classes. And micro is a lot of info to try to do on top of it! I was going to take it online last semester, but after seeing how unorganized it was on ecampus compared to my other online classes, I dropped it. If March flies by as quickly as Jan & Feb, it'll be here in no time!

Wow I didn't know that. I know I didn't get called for an interview because i only had 22.21 points. I hope also that it is not too competitive this semester. I have taken microbiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. I still need the ethics class though. I probably try to take that over summer. I didn't realize you still had to take them. Thanks for letting us know.

You guys seem to be missing your supporting classes but still have high points overall. I'm guessing you guys did very well on your hesi!!

You guys seem to be missing your supporting classes but still have high points overall. I'm guessing you guys did very well on your hesi!!

I was thinking the same thing. I'll be done with all the required classes for BSN in summer. I'll be glad to get all that out of the way before starting the program hoping I get in.

Yeah me too I will be done as well with most of the classes required for bsn. And i scored okay on hesi I got a 92 on it.

I wonder how many people applied this semester. Today is the last day! Only 24 more days & we'll know if we got an interview! I can't wait to find out!

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