Bridging course Australia


Hi, I am a newbie here. I am a registered nurse with 4 years experience both in the floor unit and special areas in the Philippines. I am going to study in Australia for a 3-month bridging course that would help me become a registered nurse there. My concern is that I have been out of nursing practice for almost 3 years now and I am kinda afraid to fail the course since I have forgotten some of the lessons I've learned in school and the nursing procedure and techniques/cases I handled in the hospital.

I have a few questions like are there many students who fail in the bridging course and what could be the reasons for that? Can you please give me some ideas on what to study and review for the program? How is the program be like? What to expect during the course? Thank you.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse a Registration forum where a few have completed the bridging courses for Australia

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