Breastfeeding support in pediatrician's office?

Nurses General Nursing


I want to know what other offices are doing to assist breastfeeding mothers when they go to the pediatrician's office. Any protocols used? Anything related to the WHO baby-friendly office initiative? Thank you.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
When I have a baby, I am definitely breastfeeding where ever I happen to be when my kid gets hungry. I've seen some women do it in public.. and while it makes me slightly uncomfortable (just because I so rarely see it..) I'm proud of them for realizing thats there is nothing gross or bad about breastfeeding your baby. It is a sad thing if women who have just given birth have to go to a special room while they are actually IN the Doctors office!?! wow.

I have no idea how long I'll be breastfeeding, though.... I just informed my husband that I'm going to breastfeed in public and he doesnt care one bit. ;D

Of course, I'm not pregnant yet. ;)

I hate this attitude, like it somehoe sets back the movement if a woman wants to exercise a little modesty while breastfeeding. Of course, there's nothing wrong or gross about it, but some women, INCLUDING nursing mothers, are uncomfortable just baring their breasts to the world, for ANY reason. Why is it such a horrible thing to offer them a comfortable room, with comfortable chairs in which to feed their child. All of our churches have Mother's Rooms for this purpose, and all of the mothers think it's a wonderful thing.

I get that you're feeding your child, and you have no reason to be ashamed, but there's nothing wrong with anothe woman wanting some privacy.

To answer the OP, our pediatrician's office, as well as my OB/GYN's office, both have signs posted that say "If you would like to utilize your room to nurse your baby, before or after your appointment, please let our nurses know."

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