Published Sep 16, 2008
27 Posts
Hi everyone,
Anyone out there applying to Bon Secours SON for Jan start date? (Richmond, VA)
18 Posts
Hi Mary,
I applied to Bon Secours for Jan 08. Just heard through email today that I was accepted, what about you?
Congrats!!! I found out too...I'm IN :nuke: Are you doing days or evenings? I'm really excited. We'll have to look out for each other. Do you have your CPR yet? I have so much to do...but I am sooo relieved....Let's keep each other posted ok.
Hey Mary,
I plan on taking the evening classes! And I haven't had the CPR class yet. Have you and if so where did you take it? We definitely need to stay in touch and weather the storm together! A very good friend start this semster and loves it. I think you've actually met here her on this website, Stacey (i forgot her screen name). Let me know when you get your packet! I am sooo excited!
100 Posts
Congrats to both of you! Sissy, what is the evening schedule hours? I am going to apply for fall of 09, because I had to complete chemistry this semester. I have finished most of the Reynolds classes as well. By the time I start (hopefully) fall 09, I will only have BS classes. I just want to be sure of the evening hours. Also, is it possible to finish in less than 3 years?
1 Post
can someone tell me about this program at bonsecours?
Hi guys,
Can someone please tell me what the evening schedule for your classes are? Also, I am applying for fall 09, if I apply early do they accept students as they turn in their apps or wait until the deadline to notify you?
Thanks Susan
Hey Guys,
I had orientation yesterday! I'm very excited. From what I understand, they only have day classes for the Jan 09 start. I will find out my schedule today, after I meet with my advisor. From what the other girls at my table said yesterday, they have Nursing 100 for their first class. The options were either Tues & Thursday.....or Tues &Wednesday. The Wednesday, Thursday class starts @ 7 am and goes until 10. The Tuesday classes are different. It looks like there is an hour long class, followed by a 3 hour block of time. Not quite sure how it works out. Lecture & Lab?? I'll let you know exactly when I find out. Class starts the first week in Jan. I also got my uniforms yesterday at orientation.
My suggestion for those who are interested in the Bon Secours program, is to call and speak to someone, or even better, attend one of their upcomming information sessions. If anyone would like to exchange personal email etc...please contact me and I can tell you the process I took to get here and will be happy to give you the information you I get it!!! If you decide to attend please give them my name :nuke: Good luck to all....
I totally forgot to see if you were in my orientation class yesterday!
You are right, there aren't any night classes for Nur 100.
Is that just for spring?
I think it changes from semester to semester!
Does it help to apply early? Or do they hold until the deadline?