Published Feb 19, 2009
clemmm78, RN
440 Posts
Hi folks. I have a question regarding monitoring BPs in stable geriatric patients.
Does your facility have guidelines on how often blood pressures should be taken on stable geri patients/residents who are on antihypertensives?
The place where I work every so often has no set guidelines and but, for the most part, stable patients on antihypertensives are having their BP checked qweek. I was chatting with the nursing director the other day and she'd like to stretch that timing out because she doesnt' feel that that such close monitoring is necessary for people who are stable and have no other medical issues going on at the present time. I agree with her.
Suggestions? Or are there guidelines for this type of thing somewhere that we're not aware of?
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
We do routine vitals once a week on the shower/ bath day. If the doc writes for paramaters with the med, then they are also checked then too.
59 Posts
we don't check unless an incident such as alleged fall, or Signs/symptoms, when they move in and when they return from a hospitalization or extended trip.