Biggest sacrifice

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


What has been your biggest sacrifice while you've been in school, prereqs or nursing school? Is it the house doesnt get cleaned, kids dont go to the park as often, dinner is eating out, husband doesnt get much attention, you dont attend events with your family as much? Im just curious what others need to sacrifice in order for them to finish nursing school.


Specializes in Med-Surg.
What has been your biggest sacrifice while you've been in school, prereqs or nursing school? Is it the house doesnt get cleaned, kids dont go to the park as often, dinner is eating out, husband doesnt get much attention, you dont attend events with your family as much? Im just curious what others need to sacrifice in order for them to finish nursing school.


All of the above. Its not like I've disappeared from my life, but I have less time for these things esp when a project is due or right before a test. Its only 15 weeks at a time though, with a month off for Christmas and three months for summer. Its doable.

My reason for pursuing nursing may be a wee bit different than most other people, but I essentially gave up another career. I still work, but I have been slowly turning away potential clients and redirecting them elsewhere as I finish up my last prerequisite (applying for a program in January). I do not get to travel as much being back in school, but I do make time to see friends, family, and relax. I don't know if this will be the case once I get into a program, but I am looking forward to officially becoming a nursing student and will adjust my availability and flexibility as needed. Everyone is getting the talk.

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