Big bad nurse bully

Nurses Relations


Do bullies have value in the workplace? I would love to know the answer to this! How do nurses deal with bossy, histrionic and narcissitic nurses who are harsh in their relating with coworkers but are more than competent nurses?

An example of bullying may include unequal patient loads, taking best breaks, swearing, etc.

Any insight?

I don't think Bullies start out that way most of the time. I've caught myself in what some call bullying from time to time- it is a slow to develpoe behavior that has its roots in frustration and powerlessness. I have a high standard of care for the patients on my unit. I get frusrtated when others don't share that standard and don't seem to care that thier lax care reflects on the unit as a whole- and therefore me. Management dosen't seem to grasp priorities in patient care and are not open to suggestions or concerns from staff. As a result- with no "real" power to change things for the better or correct problems that are compromising my patients I end up bullying. To all the managers out there- If you have skilled experienced staff that seem to be bullying- empower them to promote positive change rather than admonish them for trying to change things for the better byut but the wrong methods. I don't want to be a bully, but without any other options that is sometiimes the only way I can seek to advocate for my patients.

I don't know if we share the same definition of "bullying". If you are telling slackers who are not doing their job to get with the program, I don't call this bullying. But if you are harrassing, intimidating and verbally abusing coworkers for no apparent reason - actually, being abusive with anyone - then I consider this unprofessional, unacceptable behavior.

More power to you if you're being a patient advocate and not putting up with poor care, laziness, etc. But if you're truly a bully as typically defined... frankly, there's no excuse for this, ever (you can always go up the chain regarding problem employees. But if you bully, then you're part of the problem).


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