Best Shoes to wear during 12 hour shifts


What are the best type/brand of shoes to wear during a 12 hour shift in the hospital to help prevent or relieve lower back pain?

There are so many variables that it would be difficult for us to determine what shoe would be best for you. I wear Danskos. Some people hate them. Some people wear running shoes. I hate those. Others swear by old-timey nursing shoes. If you're having issues it might be good to be evaluated at a place like The Good Feet Store.

I absolutely agree with her. It sucks but ultimately, every single person is different. You can read reviews and try to get something others find comfortable but that doesn't mean they will definitely work for you. It's a good start though. Or, you can stop by some shoe stores and try things on-though that doesn't really help determine if they will work for a 12+ hour shift.

Personally, I have Nike Alvord. They're trail runners, totally not meant for just standing/walking, yet my feet and back never hurt in them. But, they have limited colors and are permeable, so they aren't ideal for nursing (and I have to have white shoes for school, so I'm on the hunt too).

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