Best Route to Become a CRNA

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello Everyone,

Im a 25 yr old Male who is currently working a full time job in the Telecommunications industry.

I will be starting school in Januaury of 2009 to start my career path in Nursing. Here are my plans so far. First I will be attending school at Bunker Hill Community college in Boston MA, to work on my RN (Associates), after I graduate and pass my boards, i was thinking of getting my feet wet in the industry of nursing, and would like to start in the ER or ICU if possible. Im hoping to get a schedule were i can work 3 -12 hour shifts a week and then go back to school to work on my BSN and MSN.

Im just not sure as to what or where I should start to work up to being a CRNA - nurse anesthetist. Any Advice or path someone could give me would be great. Thanks in advance for all your support.


1) Work as much OT as you can, pay off everything you can

2) Reduce expenses as much as possible

3) Borrow the rest

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