Published Aug 8, 2014
25 Posts
I'm trying to buy private health insurance for my daughter. I'm so frustrated with this "Affordable Care Act". Travel agency health insurance is just too pricey for healthy people IMO. What is the best health insurance for travelers?? What do you use? Help!
1 Article; 5,782 Posts
Good health insurance is expensive, get used to it. Sorry you don't like the ACA, you still can shop every insurance company like before. The news I read though suggests it is less expensive to go through the exchanges than to buy direct, but shopping around is good. Have you tried an insurance broker to help guide you through your direct options?
In the old days, healthy individuals could get cheaper private insurance than group health. Well, that defeats some of the very purpose of insurance, which is a shared risk pool. And you know what, lots of people on those cheap insurance plans were dropped when they became ill and their lives were ruined. So be careful what you ask for.
bahamagirlrn, BSN, MSN, RN
34 Posts
I bought my insurance through the ACA as the other sites were very expensive and I am paying nearly $300 per month. Prior to purchasing it, I did a lot of research as it related to office co-pays, medication co-pays, deductibles and out of pocket expenses. My plan is in the "S" or "Silver" network and I also made sure that my PCP was in the network too. I hope that you will be able to find something that will suit your daughter's needs and not be too expensive.
$300 is a bargain! Are you getting a subsidy?
NedRN, no I did not qualify for a subsidy.
I was looking at United Healthcare because I want an insurance that has a large network of physicians being that we are moving all over the country. From what they've told me, they don't do child only policies. UHC sent me to Coventry and they have a catastrophic plan for $76. It covers physicians office visits for $20 (x3 visits), then has a $6000 deductible. After deductible it's 100%. My husband and I took Trinity's insurance because I am on monthly medications and he has a PMH (even though there is nothing wrong with him at present). I assumed it would be more expensive for us to buy privately. I have a hard time even swallowing his insurance cost at $400/mo when I have to drag him kicking and screaming to even get a checkup. My daughters plan through Coventry would be $76. She hardly ever goes to the doctor. Of course I make to much for a subsidy.
It would be $300 per mo to put my daughter on Trinity's policy. I'm shooting for less.
We might would qualify for CHIP but NC (where our tax home is based) doesn't have CHIP from my understanding. It has NC Health Choice, and we don't qualify.
Do you have BCBS or Cigna in NC?
BCBS is most popular in NC. I think you could get either.
Wow! Details please - was this a state exchange?
I went through the ACA and I pay BCBS every month for my coverage. I am in the Blue Network S. My copays for OV are $10, Specialty visits are $40, no copays if I go in network for labs, X-rays etc. My Rx costs are $3/$50/$100 ( so far only $15 on Rx) and my deductible is $5000. The "S" Network also has more physicians within the USA to choose from if I need to see someone while I am on an assignment.