Published Nov 18, 2008
80 Posts
Just have a question on best practice. I know the traditional protocols for NG tube are to test for placement by pushing air via syringe into the tube and listening. I don't recall that also being the standard of practice for PEG's or other G-tubes. I have always used checking for residual. Does anyone know what is considered best practice for the PEG's on this or where I can find the research?
558 Posts
I would think best practice would be x-ray confirmation of placement.
Generally, for initial placement we do that. I wanted to get feedback on subsequent care after radiology confirms. My students are being told two different things. Thanks for getting back with me.
382 Posts
Got OGs or NGTs, there is no follow-up confirmation aside from pre-use auscultation. If it's been verified with Xray, it's in the right place.
Of course, if one has reason to believe migration or change of status, then by all means, it should be re-filmed.
PEGs are by their nature always in the right place. There is no need to verify anything except that the bumper is not too snug, it's been rotated during the shift, no gauze is placed beneath it, no tension is paced on the tubing, and an xray is done only if one questions an issue with the original insertion.