best online lpn-rn program??


hi Everyone.... Can Someone Recommend The Best Online Program For Lpn-rn?? And How The Clinical Part Of These Programs Is Done?? Ty For Any Input

I have some great suggestions for you that will save you time and money. I've researched this extensively. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is to make sure the program is regionally accredited, it is the highest form of accreditation and its the only one recognized by the US Department of Education. See below for a list. With this kind of accreditation, your diploma will be recognized in all 50 states, You won't have a problem transferring units between schools. Try getting credits from a university whose classes are held in a mini mall transferred to UCLA. Or, try starting your MSN degree with a BSN from an institution that isn't regionally accredited. The time and money you spent will have been wasted.

Classes are held online. Clinicals are completed locally. Sometimes there are clinical tests, sometimes there isn't.

Here's a great site that has more detail about LPN to RN or BSN programs. There are reviews, write ups, and you can get free info from the colleges.

Also, did you know that you can test out of many undergraduate classes by taking something called a CLEP test review. 2,400 colleges recognize the tests. They cost $60. It's a great way to save time and money. Had I known about those tests, I could have saved about $5,000 on my education.

The US Department Recognizes these organizations for accreditating colleges and universities:

* MSA - Middle States Commission on Higher Education

* NASC - Northwest Association of Schools and of Colleges and Universities

* NCA - Higher Learning Commission of North Central Region

* NEASC - New England Association of Schools and Colleges

* SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

* WASC - Western Association of Schools and Colleges

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.

Excelsior, if your state's BON accepts them.

www.excelsior.EDU , not com. College Network stole Excelsior's domain name.


Do I have to go through college network to do the LPN to RN at Indiana University's distant learning program.

No. Contact ISU directly.

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