Bergen Community College Nursing Program (Beginning Fall 2010) & Others



Figured a new thread should be started.

We now know orientation is August 19 - 9-130 I think?

Just wanted to start a new thread for us beginning, or continuing the nursing program at BCC, for anything we want to talk about I assume?

Is anyone ordering textbooks yet? What sections have you registered for? Etc etc etc...

I'll tell you about me.

So far, I have to still go for my uniform fitting, order textbooks, and I think thats about it.

I have gotten my physical, my CPR class is June 23rd, I purchased , and am really excited to start!!! I have to take Microbiology still and I'm not sure if I should take it in the Fall or if it'll be too much? I've registered for classes, I'm in sections 003 - (the one with Friday off)

I'm really looking forward to it. :)

hey I'm in 001, the one with Monday off....

I didn't get any papers telling us that the orientation was the 19th, how did you find out? Where are my papers? Lol.... heyyy they forgot about me

anyway, my physical's this week... got one of my books....waiting to get the others.. what else, my CPR class is the 26.. excited for that

Oh yeah, micro was a lot of me.. I took that freshmen year...

I think I had Barbara Davis.. she was sooooo nice, I mean the tests were a handful but she really cares about her students and will give you extra help if you need it

If you go to bergen's site and click on the nursing packet and open it, they have it updated with orientation date-

It was crazy- before they put the date in there, I asked them if they could let me know because I was going away and wanted to be here for it- and their answer was "We are mailing out the date soon." But its finally up there.

::Looks around:: Very nice! Smells like a fresh thread!


Here is what I have done: CPR cert(actually just finished that tonight), all my shots, the physical, got the uniform, the shoes, the insurance...oh and sent the letter back accepting my seat. All I need is the training supply kit and stethoscope...any recommendations for the later?

Hi everyone! I think another thread for our class would be wonderful! I can't wait to meet everyone!

Moojie, thanks for the info on orientation - I didn't catch that in the packet, but will check again.

I've done with everything on the packet list except for the physical/titers - I had my physical last week and am awaiting results of the titers to see what immunizations I need. I spoke to the Bergen health office today and she said once I have all my blood reports back, I should bring copies into the office to have them assess what shots I require. AND, she said despite what the packet states about the June 30th deadline, we have ALL SUMMER to do this - as long as we have it done before the beginning of school, we're fine.

So I thought that's good to know - and she said obviously, we can have vaccinations in progress when we start - if we need hepatitis vaccine, for ex., which is a series of shots.

Just FYI - hopefully I'll get my titer report back today.

Hope everyone is well! Also waiting on my uniform - I'm so short, they had to double hem my pants;)

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