Bergen Community College Nursing Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


I applied for the Nursing Day Session for fall 2018. I'm hoping to get in I took all my prerequisiteS with a 3.4 gpa. I'm really nervous for the teas exam has anyone else registered for the test yet! I feel a bit lost!

I'm still waiting as well. It only states "Ready To Test" .. I have a 4.0 GPA. Didn't do so well on the science part but got a 70% overall.

Where are you looking that says ready to test?

Can I ask you where are you looking that states "Ready to Test"?

On the admission status , under admission information.

Where are you looking? Someone stated to look on the admission status , under admission information. But I don't see anything on the Bergen Community College page to check for Status.

So go to> sign in> Scroll down ,to self service menu > webadvisor for prospective student> Admission info> Admission statues . And that should tell you

Hi! Congrats to all that got in... I am about to finish level one- due to personal circumstances I am not going to finish the program even though I'm on tract to pass all three classes. I have two sets of uniforms and a jacket and ALL textbooks, most basically brand new. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to change the books ( even if they did people in this cohort had books from the previous years). I don't really want to separate things it would be better for someone to get it all. I 'll check my sizes of the uniform when I'm home.. Im usually a medium in everything but I'll double check. message me if interested!

Please let me know sizes and prices , thanks !

Congrats on who got accepted. Unfortunately I received a letter yesterday saying I didn't got in but there's always next year.

Hi! im gonna sell 2 sets of uniforms and some of the books for 150... Im size small in shirt and medium in pants... Im 140 and 52 and they fit me... the fundamentals of nursing 1 and 2 book, nursing care plan book, nursing diagnostic manual, nursing diagnosis reference manual, nursing drug book and diagnostic and lab test reference ( these all all on required text books) you can look them up and see on the nursing website. I hardly touched my books , im not a writer/highlighter either in them... whoever buys it I can also give you additional resources I used to pass this semester...its worth it!! message me if interested

Hi, I'm interested in buying books ! Can you please email me on [email protected]? Thank you !

please text me at 201-870-1257. I want to buy the books.

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