Bergen Community College Evening Program


Specializes in ER.

Hello Everyone!!

I recently was accepted into BCC's evening RN program. I have transfered from a full-time BSN program to BCC's part-time evening program for financial and personal reasons, so I have an idea that nursing school is hard and requires a lot of work.

Does anyone have any advice on the BCC RN-evening program? Any advice that you can give about the professors, clinicals, or the program in general would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in PICU.

hi conrats on BCC. If you pm me and I can give you some information on the program. I just graduated in december!

good luck

Specializes in ER.

Thanks for your reply! Please excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by "If you pm me"?

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

click on the member's name, and click "send a private message."

Can you share some info here....that is unless the info is sensitive. ?

Specializes in PICU.

no not at all what do you want to know?

Specializes in L&D/MotherBaby/Plastic Surgery.
Hello Everyone!!

I recently was accepted into BCC's evening RN program. I have transfered from a full-time BSN program to BCC's part-time evening program for financial and personal reasons, so I have an idea that nursing school is hard and requires a lot of work.

Does anyone have any advice on the BCC RN-evening program? Any advice that you can give about the professors, clinicals, or the program in general would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

I just graduated from BCC's evening program in december. Its rough, no doubt about it. Time management is key, you need to study EVERYTHING you are taught nad its a lot of information that takes time to absorb. Some professors are wonderful & others are miserable. Bottom line is that its a lot of hard work, you must be dedicated & REALLY want it in order to get through. Feel free to ask me anything else you might be concerned about.

Specializes in ER.

Thanks for the input! On Monday we will be having our first Physical Assessment test. How much of the test is from the notes that she gives out and how much is from the Jarvis textbook? She did mention in the beginning that the Jarvis text is at a graduate level and to just skim the chapters, but I don't want to miss anything so I'm reading the text as well. Am I wasting my time by studying both the text and her notes? Is there anything I should focus on? I hear her test questions come from left field.


Specializes in PICU.
Thanks for the input! On Monday we will be having our first Physical Assessment test. How much of the test is from the notes that she gives out and how much is from the Jarvis textbook? She did mention in the beginning that the Jarvis text is at a graduate level and to just skim the chapters, but I don't want to miss anything so I'm reading the text as well. Am I wasting my time by studying both the text and her notes? Is there anything I should focus on? I hear her test questions come from left field.


I usually read the text before class then studied my notes. I always refer back to my text for any help or concerns i had. Also I made a new set of notes from the class notes and the text book, this way I knew that I had covered all the information. I liked the Jarvis text and still go back to it for information. I do not believe that I had the same professor so I am not sure of the testing style. Good luck...let me know how you do..

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