Being On Call


Okay, as a new RN, I'm really upset that my job opportunity was not explained to me properly. I'm full-time, but today, I found out that low census supersedes that. I only found out about this when they sent home a CNA, which I felt completely terrible about. Anyway, it was explained to me that I'm going to be forced to use PTOs or go without pay. The only problem is, my PTOs don't roll over, and I only get 288 of them. 

I'm in a precarious situation because 1. I need insurance due a condition, 2. I need money to pay for medications. I'm kind of regretting my decision to become a nurse, and I feel like this should be explained to you thoroughly in both nursing school and orientation. I had an LVN tell me she went 6 months without PTO and lost her vehicle. 

Don't get me wrong, I love nursing, but you're really stuck between a rock and a hard place as a new registered nurse in terms of seeking additional employment your first year. 

What should I do?


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