Being Managed By Someone Younger

Nurses Relations


So this question is primarily for the nurses who are older and perhaps just entering the workplace, for example as a second career (as I will be), or have been in this position when they first started out.

How do you/did you handle being managed by someone much younger? Does it bother you, or do you not give it a second thought because that person, despite their age, has much more experience? How did they handle the situation?

Just interested in different perspectives. I'm not trying to start an argument or say that younger nurses can't be great at their jobs, can't manage, or anything along those lines. I'm simply wondering if it has, or has the potential to, cause friction and how that is handled?

Good question. I'm in my mid 50's and have been managed by wonderful people who were older and younger than me. Some of the younger ones were more mature and professional than some of the older ones, and other times, I felt the "MOM" in me rising up to teach a snarky youngster their £#*! actually does stink. And some of the older ones were neurotic pains in the rear. Just depends on the individual, their education and training, and their level of maturity. Just keep a positive attitude, set clear boundaries when pushed, and remember most people mean well, they may just may not be good communicators. Good luck. I know you will do great and your managers will love you regardless of their age. 😀

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