Published Sep 25, 2024
4 Posts
I will be in the Spring '25 Distance ABSN program for the Bayor Louise Herrington School of Nursing and I am looking for other students in my cohort. Any other Baylor DABSN Spring '25 students out there?
100 Posts
Hey I might be attending there. Would you like to connect?
14 Posts
I applied and waiting to hear back from my recruiter. Praying that I will be one of the students to start Spring 2025.
LovingGirl said: Hey, I applied and waiting to hear back from my recruiter. Praying that I will be one of the students to start Spring 2025.
Best of luck, I'm sure you will hear great news! Keep us posted!
I most definitely will as soon as I find out!
txnurstud, CNA
175 Posts
Did you get accepted and start the program? If so how is it?
LovingGirl said: I most definitely will as soon as I find out! Thanks
How is the program? What are your thoughts so far?