Published Aug 25, 2009
198 Posts
I am trying to get into HH. I live in Chester County PA (west of phiily, just east of lancaster), and I have been having a hard time finding any companies willing to hire a RN without peds exp. I work in a hosp on a med surg floor 3nites a week. I want to try HH without giving up my hosp job until I see if I would like HH.
I finally got a interview with my local Bayada and they are willing to train me in peds. I also scheduled an interview with PSA but they are about 45min from home. I have to take a test for Bayada has anyone taken the test? How hard is it? I see ad's for them all the time in my area and I am wondering if they are a good company to work for or not?
Any advise would be helpful.
38,333 Posts
Based upon other people's posts and what I have picked up from third parties elsewhere, between the two, I would suggest Bayada. Two reasons: good reputation in general, and the fact that they have offered you training in peds. Good luck whichever way you decide.