Bank Expressed Breast Milk


Hi, I wanted to try and find out more about the uses of bank expressed breast milk. Can it be given to any low birth weight baby as im a bit confused or is it given only to certain babies with certain conditions?

Is bank expressed breast milk good for low birth weight babies or would a different milk be used such as nutriprem 1? Does bank expressed bank milk have less calories in it than nutriprem?

I ask this because a baby i had was having moms breastmilk but we ran low so i defrosted some bank milk but i dont know whether the baby can have it. The baby was around 1.2kg so im not sure if they gave it bank milk or decided on something else.

So i was just wondering if there is a rationale as such?

Specializes in critical care.

You can probably find information on this on breastfeeding, exclusively pumping or milk donation boards. There are milk donation and exclusively pumping groups on facebook that might have info as well. A lot of exclusively pumping groups have moms who initiate exclusively pumping because they have preemies who are unable to nurse. I hope you can find the answers you are looking for!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

We have to ask before we give it. We give it our ELBW kids if mom is not pumping again if that is what mom wants. If not then we give high protein formula.

Any by baby can get it, we tend to

limit it due to the fact that we don't get reimbursed for it from most insurance companies.

It it is the same calories, but the antibodies are less due to the pasteurization process.

We use both PPHM & PM from banks, but parents must sign wavers for this and it's always ordered by the NNP or Neonatalogist. Also it's used depended dependent on age. Mostly 35 weeks or younger until mom builders up her own supply. Our earlier infants who need a higher caloric count have orders for Prolacta. A human milk fortifier (not cow based, like formula).

Sorry. PPHM & PHM.

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