Ball State or Purdue Cal



I have been accepted into both Ball State University and Purdue Calumet for my Master's in FNP and was wondering if anyone has gone to these schools; If so, what was your experience? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Boiler Up!

Sorry, just the mention of my Purdue-Cal alma mater gets my excited......

Thanks! My family is also a Purdue family. The thought of being a boiler excited me. I just need to ignore the fact that Purdue Cal has a different mascot. I appreciate your input. Did you attend their for undergraduate or graduate?

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

I got my AAS (RN) from Purdue Cal in 1980. I had been an LPN for three years previously, applied to the AAS program and was accepted the following week, and started my classes the week after that! That was long before the days of taking pre-requisites and waiting!

Somewhere here on AN was a thread on which I posted my four semester course load. It was brutal- I remember the semester we did Med-Surg II(10- TEN credits!), and Pharm (3) and Nutrition (3) and some other class- for a total of 19 credit hours. You did Anatomy and Physiology during your first two semesters, with Fundamentals and Med-Surg I and Psych and Chemistry and Micro. Wonder what today's students would think of that?

I understand PC is now a residential campus- it was not back in my day. Commuters only- spent endless hours looking for parking.

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