Bakersfield College Spring 2014


Just found out I was accepted to the BC Spring 2014 program! So excited - anyone else starting in the spring, or waiting to find out?

I just graduated. Hang on to your hats and glasses!!!


I am starting Spring 2014 also!! I'm super excited, but nervous about the TEAS V (I'm taking it on 10/17 @ 1:00). I got in through a sponsorship from Mercy. I can't wait! This was my 3rd try.

Congrats JessicaDawn!! Good luck on the TEAS! I'm taking it at 8 that day, I think.

Congrats! I'm finishing Microbiology this semester and then I'll be ready to apply for Fall 2014. I heard they switched to the merit based system for Fall 2013, is that true or did you get in under the older lottery system? I was curious what your grades were like if it was the new merit based system.

I was curious what your grades were like if it was the new merit based system.

Yes, they switched to the merit-based system. I got in through a sponsorship. My overall GPA is 3.2, but I got almost all As in my prerequisites.

Just wondering how you did on your teas? Wishing you luck! I took mine last Thursday & got a 78%. I am so thankful it is over!

Spring 2014 also!!!! finally I'm glad they switched to merit based:)

I got 88 on the TEAS. I'm so glad it's over too!

Dang you did awesome!!! I got a 78; up to the second that I saw the score, I was not sure if I had passed or not. I was pretty nervous the whole time. We will be in the same class together since you got in through a sponsorship. :) Do you have your CPR done yet?

Do you have your CPR done yet?

No, I haven't done anything. I asked what we could get started on and they said not to get started on anything, that they'll give us detailed instructions at our orientation.

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