Bakersfield College Nursing Fall 2013


Hi i have applied to BC college for Fall of 2013. Anyone else? This is my second time.

Hey there. It's my second time applying as well. I'm wondering if it will take longer for them to send out acceptance/rejection letters since they've switched to a merit based system. The anticipation is killing me...

Hi no the lady told me they haven't switched it to multi criteria system. It is the same as before. ARe u from that area?

Really? Who did you speak with?

Yes, I'm from the area. How about yourself?

Oh I spoke to the person at front desk she told me they haven't switched using that criteria it's the same. What does it mean like if you don't get a 75 percent you don't make cut vs before everyone made it? I'm kinda confused or are they talking about counting gpa and teas scores do you have any idea and no I live 3 hours away.

From what I understand, in the lottery system, as long as students made the minimum grade in all the pre-req classes (a 75% or better) they were put in a lottery and the school drew however many names that they had room for in the program. The ones what were accepted would then have to pass the teas or be put in a remedial program. Under the new system, applicants are ranked according to their grades in the pre-req classes. The top applicants are accepted into the program and then they take the teas. Does that make sense?

Ya that does but she told me it is the same as before when I spoke to her. I am anxious to hear results this is the school I really want to go to. Have you applied any where else? Do you go to BC or csu bakersfeild? What are you doing meanwhile you wait to get into the program. Have you also applied for any sponsorship seat with the hospital applications or now

Have you already taken the teas?

I haven't really applied anywhere else and I'm not currently a student at either school. I'm just working a very dull job while I wait. I haven't applied for a sponsorship seat simply because I don't want to sell two years of my life to a hospital just to get into school, but I might consider it in the future. It's a great way to get in if you're ok with being tied to a hospital for a few years.

I think I took the teas in the past, but didn't follow through with the application process at that point (this wasn't for BC). I've taken a couple different types of nursing entrance exams (and never ended up going to school) and they are all about the same to me. Just get a study guide and do a bit of prep work. And don't stress out. I was up all night with a family pet emergency before one of the tests and still passed. Just keep your wits about you.

What draws you to BC?

Ya I have passed it also the teas. Ya I don't mind being in contract with a hospital I would love to do it. I have heard great things about BC program and I don't want to live with family I want to move out and my eyes have been set to bakersfeild. I go to my school now and am doing medical terminology and nutrition classes but I was initially planning to csu stanislaus where I go but at the end I didn't pass the teas for their criteria which made me uneligible but I have realizes that I don't want to stay home and complete my nursing I want to move out to another school.

YoU Dont want to apply to other schools? I am soooooo scared of getting the letter. Did you apply last semester for spring time? I was so bummed when I got denial letter last semester and I wasn't placed on waitlist what about you were you? I saw on these forums many people who Applied for their first time got in. I don't know I guess it's just luck.

I will be staying in Bakersfield for various reasons, so I won't be applying to any other schools. I prefer BC because their program is more "hands on" than CSUB and that's how I learn.

I did apply last semester and was not put on the waitlist. I wasn't really upset when I got the denial letter because I wasn't expecting to be drawn. I don't like the lottery system because is it all up to luck and I'm not a very lucky person ;) But I suppose it puts everyone on a level playing field and that's good.

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