Baker College of Flint...Need some advice!



I'm starting Baker in Flint this coming Friday. I'm a little anxious. I know I have a long road ahead but its rewarding at the end, I hope. I'm 25 and I just feel like I'm too old to start college, most of the people I went to school with went to college right after high school and now are done, I feel way behind but I know anyone can start college at any age. I'm just wondering could any of you tell me what I can expect? I'm just hoping college isn't anything like high school, I didn't fare well in school.

Here are some of the questions I had.

Is the work doable or harder then usual? I didn't do so well in high school so I hope I can get along in college.

How many are in a class?

How is work done or should I say is it about taking notes and using that as a way to do the work?

I know I will have to take oral communications, I'm not very good at giving speeches and getting in front of people talking so I wonder what is this class like?

Thanks to all who reply.

If any of you took the Human Anatomy and Physiology class, what is that like? Do you really have to dissect body parts of animals?

I'm taking A+P at Baker in Clinton Twp this year. I don't know if we dissect animals, but there IS a lab, and I'm sure that's going to involve some kind of hands-on tissue examining, etc. I'll let you know!

I did A&P 1, We disected a sheeps brain, cow eye an a fetal pig. I say A&P class needs your total devotion Its not an easy class.


I'm starting Baker in Flint this coming Friday. I'm a little anxious. I know I have a long road ahead but its rewarding at the end, I hope. I'm 25 and I just feel like I'm too old to start college, most of the people I went to school with went to college right after high school and now are done, I feel way behind but I know anyone can start college at any age. I'm just wondering could any of you tell me what I can expect? I'm just hoping college isn't anything like high school, I didn't fare well in school.

Here are some of the questions I had.

Is the work doable or harder then usual? I didn't do so well in high school so I hope I can get along in college.

How many are in a class?

How is work done or should I say is it about taking notes and using that as a way to do the work?

I know I will have to take oral communications, I'm not very good at giving speeches and getting in front of people talking so I wonder what is this class like?

Thanks to all who reply.

Hey Dewberry!

Just so you know where I'm at, I'm starting my clinicals at Baker of Flint this fall, so while the advice I'll give you worked for me it's always a good idea to find what works best for you. Now for your questions:

I hated high school, and never took it seriously. In fact I dropped out in my senior year and attended school for massage therapy. So I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that college is nothing like high school (thank God). In college I'm a 4.0 student. Don't let your performances in the past detirmine how well you do's totally different, and if nursing is what you truly want to do then the work becomes somewhat enjoyable (in its own odd way).

Class sizes at baker are very reasonable, and the instructors are (in my experience) always available for one-on-one help if you need them.

A lot of instructors post the power-point presentations on blackboard that you can print out and bring to class. The best way I've found for taking notes is to print all the power points, put them in binders seperated by tabs (one tab for each week and/or test), and then write any extra points that the instructor makes on the powerpoints you've printed. Go through the book after the lecture, and if there's information that the instructor didn't cover but that you think may be pertinent, write that on the blank page opposite the powerpoints (this is if you have them laid out and hole-punched into a binder). Then all of your study material is organized and easy to go through...simply open your binder and ta-da! For most classes it took more then one binder to cover the semester, by the way.

Oral Communications is what you make of it. Almost everyone is afraid of making speeches (and those who aren't are usually kind of freakish). No one is judging you, and if they are then their judgements aren't worth worrying about. We're all in the same boat when it comes to oral comm. Make speeches on things you find interesting, and find a way to make it just as fun and interesting for the rest of the audience.

As for the question someone had about A&P labs: Yes, you dissect animal parts. But seriously, they aren't bloody or anything. And frankly if you can't handle dissecting an animal part, will you be able to handle the gruesome things you'll come across as a nurse? If it's really hard for you then just keep telling yourself that you're making yourself stronger and upping your gross-tolerance for your future career. May as well get used to it.

Well I hope I answered your questions, if you've got any more just let me know!

Good Luck!! :up:

I am attending baker Clinton Township working on my pre-reqs still. Do not feel like 25 is too old, I was 30 when I started. I was nervous at first because I was older, but easily made friends of all age groups.

**Is the work doable or harder then usual? I didn't do so well in high school so I hope I can get along in college.

To me the classes are harder, I was in honors and college prep classes in high school and did not have as many problems, but that was 14 years ago so I was away from learning for a while. Plus, it is going to be different then when in high school because as adults we have more distractions such as jobs, kids, etc... just do your best.

**How many are in a class?

It really depends, sometimes there can be around 50, sometimes a lot less, usually the early morning classes have a lower attendance then the night ones.

**How is work done or should I say is it about taking notes and using that as a way to do the work?

A lot of teachers especially in the science classes give you the notes to follow during the lecture, but they also add to it so there is note taking and I suggest using a tape recorder also.

**I know I will have to take oral communications, I'm not very good at giving speeches and getting in front of people talking so I wonder what is this class like?

I haven't taken this yet I have it coming in the fall, you get over talking in front of people because you have to talk up in other classes to ask questions and interact in labs. Take this class after your first semester if you are hesitant so at least then you are more comfortable with the college setting by then.

**I know I will have to take oral communications, I'm not very good at giving speeches and getting in front of people talking so I wonder what is this class like?

I haven't taken this yet I have it coming in the fall, you get over talking in front of people because you have to talk up in other classes to ask questions and interact in labs. Take this class after your first semester if you are hesitant so at least then you are more comfortable with the college setting by then.

This is really good advice!

I'm taking oral communication this fall as well. My days are Tuesday and Thursday.

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