Background checks before each assignment?


If you are already on assignment with an agency, does anyone know if you have to do repeat background checks before every new assignment with a different hospital? If your staying with the same agency?

Depends on the allowable time frame of the next hospital. Very simple question for your recruiter.

However your query raises two questions in my mind. First, why do you care how often agencies run background checks on you? There can be a legitimate reason as some believe the background check can hurt your credit. The soft credit check actually done by background companies is just an SSN trace to uncover unreported addresses you have lived at to ensure that county is covered.

The other question is if you are avoiding your recruiter rather than asking this question of him/her. Only your recruiter will know the details of hospitals you will be submitted to. If you are avoiding your recruiter, ask the agency manager to switch your recruiter to someone you won't avoid. A good business relationship with your recruiter is really important, especially for newer travelers.

I'm asking because I have had a recent charge that would show up on a background check. It will be gone off my Record in a year, but I'm just wondering if I apply for a different job at a different hospital within the year, will that hospital run a new background check on me. I do plan on staying with the same agency.

im scared to ask my recruiter because what if they decide they don't want to work with me anymore because of my charge.

A charge should not show up, only a conviction.

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