Published Aug 21, 2006
2 Posts
I have wanted to take the C.N.A course for a long time now, but I am afraid that I will pay for it and take the class and go through the whole thing and then find out I can't get a job because of an offense on my record. I got caught shop-lifting when I was 17 (now 22) and got charged with a retail theft felony (as an adult). Later they got it down to a misdemeanor. So now it shows on my record as a misdemeanor. I also have a "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" who was my 16 year old friend that was with me at the time of the arrest. Now my question is.....Is it hopeless for me to persue a career as a nurse? I have heard of people having to write letters explaining how much they've changed and everything and can recieve a wavor. I really want to be a nurse and this mistake I made while I was young and dumb has ruined my confidence in believing I will ever become one. Also-would they do the background check before you start the class or do they do it after so that anyone who disqualifies loses their money? I neeeeed answers!!!!!!!!!! And advice!!!
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
The CNA course I took you paid up front and filled out the background check the first day of class. Sometime before clinicals the background check came back. If it came back bad you didn't get to go on clinicals.
You may want to contact the school or the state agency that certifies CNAs and ask about your circumstances.
Also if you are looking at long term becoming an LPN or RN contact your state's BON and see what restrictions are.
I believe that some of these vary from state to state and it's best to find out what YOUR state requires.
Also search around the message board there are a lot of people who ask about becoming a nurse with a not so perfect past and their past threads may also give you some insight.
Good luck though, I always find it unfortunate when good people who've just done a couple of really stupid things in the past are restricted by their past actions. To start you on your way a complete list of CNA State Registries
jb2u, ASN, RN
863 Posts
It seems that you have talked to others that told you that getting a waiver may be a possibility; however, no one at allnurses can really tell you if you can or can not for your particular situation. My advice is to contact your states registry (click on the registry link in my signature) or your states BON. This will give you the answer to your question. I understand your concern, but you will only "get any peace of mind" by contacting the registry and BON for your state. Good luck to you with your future plans.
TOS states no legal advice, plus, anything stated will just be anonymous hear say and thus not helpful to your situation.--Closing Thread.