Average salary


What is the average pay for a circulating RN in your city/state? Hourly or yearly. We are gathering information about average rates to present to our administrators as our hospital is growing and making some changes. We have researched average salary online but would like to hear real numbers from real nurses.

Specializes in public health.

I don't know if a circulating nurse would be paid more or less than a nurse in other fields, but there is a whole thread of "new grad salary" on this website.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

My guess would be that they prefer information from the source, as in HR. Have you tried contacting HR in nearby facilities to see what their pay ranges are? We've gone many rounds with our administration regarding call pay and how little we get compared to surrounding facilities. They want actual pay stubs or documentation from HR, not the emails we've exchanged. Plus, it doesn't matter what someone several cities or states away makes; what matters is facilities in your area where cost of living is equal.

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