Average pay for office nurses ohion?

Nurses General Nursing


Have a friend that works as an MA in a urology office. (in Ohio) She say's she does the same thing as the RN's who make 33 $ an hour. She's cleaning, gathering charts ."doing BX"S"?,,making phone calls to pt's , doing pt intake etc. she says the nurses sit around and talk while she works. My guess would be that she hasn't been there long enough to know what the RN's really do , what responsibility they really take etc.. Or, is that a realistic income for an office nurse in such a facility. :rolleyes: I really have no idea. I've been in a hospital setting for so many years I have lost touch with other feilds. Gosh though, if that's the pay, not sure why I'm working in ER getting 37.00hr after 30 years of critical care and CCRN etc. :bow: I respect what office nurses do it's just that , I'm thinking that could be a nice change for me some day. But , I have a feeling my friend is missing some details.:thankya:

Specializes in Family NP, OB Nursing.

I've seen the pay range from as low as $15/hr to $25/hr, but I've not seen it at $33. For a while I worked in a busy OB office for $15 and Health insurance, but this was a one man show. Some of the other larger practices paid more and had better benefits.

Yes, I would say your friend maybe doesn't quite have all the details straight. I worked as an RN in a very busy outpatient surgery center and Dr's office in Columbus Ohio and I also know what pay rate was offered at another office in Columbus when I called about a possible position. I can't tell you exactly what the other RN's made, but somewhere in the $15-$20 range seemed about the norm. I suppose some could have been somewhat higher, but I would be suprised.

If the RN's are truly getting $33/hr it is quite possible that they aren't getting any other benefits---in other words, they may be paying for their own insurance.

It would seem that the nurse isn't doing the exact same thing as the MA or else the doctor is wasting his/her money on paying that nurse more than the MA, right?

It is true that MAs often now do what office nurses used to do. But most office nurses don't do what MAs now do. That is, the office nurse isn't taking patients VS, health history, etc. That's what the MA is doing. What the office nurse actually does I imagine varies between practices, and I don't know what the urologist's office nurse is doing as she talks on the phone... perhaps following up with post-procedure patients? Maybe you can suggest to the MA you're speaking of to ask how the office nurse's job description differs from the MA's job description.

However, there are cases where RNs are required for legal reasons even though there may be little RN work most of the time. In those cases, the nurses might not have a heavy workload or often be doing similar work as unlicensed personnel. Such positions aren't common and such nurses might have a hard time finding a similar position if their current position evaporated, so while such jobs may look cushy and ideal, there is a downside.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Family Practice.

I don't know what the pay is in Ohio but in Illinois where I live, the pay stinks. LPN's make 13.00 something and RN's make 16.00 something. Not very much money considering most of the time the nurse not only rooms the patients, does vitals and assessments but does phone calls, RX;s, assists in procedure, stocks rooms, orders labs, orders tests, prior authorizations, and many other things. Usually when I work I run 18-25 patients and do everything else in my 8 hour day. The pay stinks for what a clinic nurse does. Most clinics will have a MA or CNA to help but not all. If a MA or CNA calls in, your out of luck. I work in a nursing home and a clinic prn and I do get alot more at the nursing home but I have to admit the liability is 100 percent higher, but between the two jobs I don't get burnt out and I like knowing I'm not doing the same thing day in and day out.

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