Australian RN doing NCLEX-Canada


Hi all, I am going through the torturous process of being an Australian internationally educated RN, going for British Columbian RN registration. Aside from the whole accreditation process costing $4800, it is suuuuper slow! BC want me to do my character test, then computer test, then oral test, then competency test, then finally will approve an ATT for my NCLEX test. How the hell can someone survive 12 months with no wages, it is too bloody long. Can anyone direct me to any forums / tips / information? I am sure other nurses must have managed somehow? I want to speed up the process and do my NCLEX now in Melbourne before waiting for my ATT? How might i speed things up?

Hi, I don't think there is any shorter route to that, Ontario could be worse. Look for other Jobs to help yourself while waiting for the process to complete.

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