Austin Community College - Level I clinical scheduling


I am entering Level I classes this August and have questions about the clinicals.

Background information:

After an unsuccessful attempt at Spring 2012's application cycle, I decided to get my EMT certification. I completed my national certification testing earlier this month and was so excited upon hearing I had passed the exam that I decided to put in some applications for a PRN position with St. David's. I got a call back (entirely unexpected) the next day and scheduled an interview for the following week (!!!). I thought this would be a great experience to practice interviewing for healthcare positions and nothing more. Furthermore, I fully anticipated an long and greuling interview process, including a second interview. I was offered the position on the spot. As the excitement subsides and reality sets in, here is my delimma: I also hold another part time (~10 hours per week) position that occurs on Monday, Wedneday, and Friday.

That being said, here are my questions-

From what I've read so far, clinical hours are either Thurs/Fri or Fri/Sat. Once you are assigned to a clinical schedule, is there flexibility within that schedule?

How are the hours distributed among the shifts? Two eight-hour shifts? One twelve and one four?

What are the times that are available for clinicals?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to your questions. Clinical schedules will be based on two factors: 1) Site availability and 2) your assigned clinical site & days/times.

During Level 1 in Hybrid my assigned clinical days were Wednesdays and Thursdays. In addition labs, classes, and exams were scheduled on Monday and Tuesday. Clinical days can be 6 hours, 8 hours or 12 hours. Be prepared that you will rarely have much notice and there is little, if any, flexibility. Most people that I know holding jobs during school had to switch to either purely weekend or PRN schedules as anything else was at best challenging, if not impossible. I would encourage you to contact the Nursing Office or your campus-specific instructors to ask for more information related to your upcoming semester and your work requirements.

Congrats on your new position at St. David's and best of luck at ACC!

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