Attn current chamberlain students


This post goes out to all Chamberlain students in any campus of the country. Anyone that has a comment on this may comment. I am puzzled on how everything is organized or what to even to do at this point. I would first like to say that I am currently in the Med/surg class NR325 and I took NR324 but did not pass the class. Now please do not judge me stating.."oh well, she didn't study" or "she probably is just dumb". Listen to this first, most of my classmates and I came into that class with a A in the class. When we all took our final, it completely screwed us over. From our class of 106, 90 did not pass the exam (meaning that they did not get the 76% average) and 43 out of that 106 have to retake the course now because we did not meet the 76% avg on all our exams. The class average on that exam was a 63%. The funny thing is that we all came to that final test day with a A over our shoulders and after the final...we now have to retake the course due to one stupid final that 90% did not pass. We spoke with our teachers, counslers, and even the deans. There is absolutely nothing we can do about it. They kind of just threw it at our face that it is all our (us, the students) fault for not passing the exam. Another odd thing is that NR324 (Med/surg 1) is not a preequiste to Nr325(Med/surg 2). So now my classmates and I are all taking NR325, which I think is completely stupid because we didn't even pass NR324. They say NR325 has nothing to do with NR324 but they still refer what we learn now in NR325 from NR324. Now my question is for the other Chamberlain schools out there is WHAT CAN MY CLASS AND I DO ABOUT THIS?!!!Is there anyone HIGHER UP that we can talk to someone with to do something about this?! 43 ppl failing a class at one time and 90 not passing an exam just sounds all wrong to me. It is not completely our fault. all of us feel like they are definitely setting us up to fail. Yes, they do remediation but tell me why that has not been working. We just recently took our midterm for NR325 and the test avg is now 73%?!!!! COMMENTS? SUGGESTIONS?

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