ATTENTION: Prenursing students who did well on the NLN exam

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


[color=yellowgreen]what were your scores and what did you do inorder to prepare for the exam?your advice is desperately needed.thanks!


I'm brand new here- just registered. I took the NLN-PAX a couple weeks ago and got scores yesterday. Composite of 158 with 60/60 verbal. 35/40 Math 50/60 Science.

I thought the verbal was easy, finished with plenty of time.

I can do math, but am s.l.o.w. I had just enough time to quickly guess on the last 4/5 questions, and not enough time to go back and double check earlier ones. I think I woudl have been better off just skipping the ones that took me time, and then going back later to guess or re-work. I got stuck on a couple, and that was my error.

The science was funny-- some were so easy and some things I literally have never heard of!

I used the "Review Guide for RN Pre-Entrance Exam by National League for Nursing (NLN)" I did every practice test, and when I got one wrong I went back and learned it. I did all three times comprehensive tests with same method. ( and still there were thing on the science I have never heard of, and I already have BS in another science field!)

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