Published Mar 9, 2009
10 Posts
I was curious what to expect in my first semester, what should i brush up on from A&P and micro. and what books helped others prepare for the valencia program? Also, did anyone find getting a PDA useful? I want to be as prepared as possible when i start the program, that way i won't fall behind or struggle much more than i have to, so any advice is welcome. Thanks!
102 Posts
A rolling back pack is great especially one you can put a duffle on top of and the whole thing not fall over. you will get a duffle bag with lab supplies in it the first week of school.
I really like having my PDA with Davis drug guide and Taber's dictionary on it, although having the actual books themselves has it's good points too. Not alot of people in my class had PDA's but I personally do recommend it.
I would not do anything with microbiology. A&P is always good but more useful in 2nd semester and beyond.
Using your main book, I think it's called "Nusing Skills", read up on hand washing, colostomys, The Nursing Process, the 5 rights of medication, restraints, crutches and how to walk with them, how to give injections, enemas, and eye & ear medications.
There is a book called "Fundamentals Success" that is recommeded as a review book. It is a book of a bunch of questions that are in the format you will see on the test, known as NCLEX type questions. Getting used to questions like this is one the hardest things to get a grasp on in the first semester, so try to go over some of these.
This is just of the top of my head, if I think anything more I will let you know. Good luck!
Thank you very much, that is all very useful!
56 Posts
Hi Marie612 I start VCC nursing program in May. The orientation is next Monday and that's when they will let us know everything about the program. I am so excited, but I am also scared of what to expect with the instructors, tests, etc. Orientation is from 8-3 where there will be vendors that will provide shots and you must purchase your uniforms for clinical and the blue Valencia shirts that are required for class. There are also name pins that must be ordered and purchased the day of orientation, they are around $3 each. The blue Valencia Shirts are $25 each. I am getting a head start on some of the reading, I purchased the basic nursing book by Potter and Perry and also the workbook from spring sem., which gives me an overview about what to expect. I'm starting during the summer, so I expect things to move rather swiftly compared to the full sem. I know there are 3 weeks of clinicals at a LTC facility during the first sem. You should receive a letter listing everything that is required and your orientation date. My letter came in Feb. so maybe yours will come by the end of May. Congrats:yeah:! I will post another comment here after I go to orientation to give you the heads up:nurse: .
Thank you so much. Please do keep me informed it is a really big help! :)
3 Posts
Is anyone here starting at VCC this fall? Also, does anyone know what the dress is? I have the order forms which list polo shirt, paintsuit and dress? Is it an actual dress? lol just curious :)
Yes, the dress is an actual dress, but I've never seen anybody wear one, but it is your choice. You could buy one or the other or both. FYI I have seen some uniforms on craigslist for sale.
Thanks! I wouldnt mind wearing one but not all the time, I guess I will get both. So you have the option of wearing the dress or the pantsuit at clinicals?