

Specializes in Telemetry.

My school uses the ATI Exam as the "Exit" exam that all students must pass to graduate. Does anyone know anything about this exam? Is there a "look-alike" exam out there that helps you prepare for it? I guess this is what I am looking for.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Specializes in Informatics.

We have to take it too, but I'm only first semester so I can't help much. :p

Here's a link:

Specializes in Telemetry.

If you here of anything let me know and I will do the same.

We have to take it too, but I'm only first semester so I can't help much. :p

Here's a link:

Specializes in PCCN.

We took the ati last week- I found it to be along the same lines as what you would be looking at in any Nclex review book. It is a cumulative test, and they actually have parameters that can "predict " a percentage of how you will do on nclex. It told me i had a 99 percent chance of passing nclex. I think the school uses the scores to evaluate you, and they gave us 3 bonus points on our final grade if we got over a certain score. I guess I would suggest an nclex review book- anyhow that can only help you in the future- Good Luck :)

ATI has a whole program of exams to be used throughout the major content areas. Our school uses them to provide students with more computer testing time and different questions than those developed by faculty. These content tests are used as proctored tests however, if a student does not do will on one they have up to 5 times to remediate in the content area (nonproctored). At the end of our PN summer and the end of our ADN program students are given the proctored comprehensive predictor tests. These give an excellent measurement of likely success on NCLEX. The other excellent book for review is the KAPLIN Review. This book does not review content (diseases) it reviews how to read questions, how to select priorities using Maslow, Nursing Process, & ABCs. It also helps students understand that the NCLEX test is written in a real world format where whatever you need is available.

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