Published Nov 17, 2009
2 Posts
Hello Nurses,
Im a senior in highschool and iv wanted to become an CRNA for the longest time, but unfortunetly i have very vague information on the things i need information on.
First i wanted to know how many years it takes to become, because a whole lot of people tell me its 5 years and then alot of people tell me its 6, becuase 4 years to get a bsn, then 2 for crna school.
Also iv heard you have to get into crna you have to be a rn, do a certain amount of hours, i think a year worth,and have the bsn.
Can you be in college to get a bsn and get certified to be a rn nurse. while in college for bsn. and do your year the last year of the bsn or do you have to wait and do it after?
Because if thats the case it be a total of six years to be crna?
i just would like a lot of information for my question. Please let me knooww
Sincerely Chelsea:redbeathe
53 Posts
Hi there, that's great you're already asking questions about this while you're in high school. Here is the info from the research I've done, because I too would love to be a CRNA one day.
You must have a BSN to get into a CRNA program, and you must already be a certified R.N. when you attend CRNA school. So that right there is around 4-5 years. Then you have to have at least a year of experience in critical care and have a current CRNA sign off that you've shadowed them and they recommend you. So that's another year or two before even starting CRNA school. Once you get into CRNA school, the program lasts around 28 months to 3 years. So you're looking at around 8-9 years before you are actually a CRNA.
Don't be discouraged, it will be totally worth it from what I've heard. You must set up financial aid, etc way in advance though because it is quite expensive to become a CRNA. But once you begin work, you will easily be able to pay that off.
Good luck, I hope you do it!
8-9 YEARS?
thats like pre med and medical school,!
i thought it was 6 years... thats totally messed up..
Ugh i dont know what to do thennn.
3 Posts
I agree with the last posted reply based on the information that I have obtained. I think it is great that you aspire to be a CRNA and you are in High School. Don't get discouraged at the length of time to complete the CRNA program. Go for it with everything you will be challenging, but always follow your dreams.
Since I am on this path currently, I will lend some advice to you if I may. First, attend a four year program for nursing, then when you are done with your degree work at a medical center on their intensive care unit. You will be able to get training there as a new grad. After you work there a year and have your certifications in ACLS, BLS and PALS, then you will be in good shape to attend CRNA school. It will take you 27 to 28 months to complete. You will be better off sticking with your plan. It isn't easy but you can do it! Remember to keep your grads up because you will need at least a 3.0 if not 3.5 grad point average out of a 4.0. If you followthis path you will work a year post graduation with your BSN, then you will be able to apply to CRNA school. So it will definitely take you some time but if this is your dream pursue it!
Best of luck to you.
6 Posts
I am graduating from my BSN program next semester and I am very interested in CRNA school. 2 Questions...
1. Every school has different requirements that I did not take for my BSN (organic chem, biochem, inorganic chem, genetics, physics)It seems each program prefers something else. Should I take ALL these classes or are certain ones more necessary and helpful, because some schools say...take any 2 of these chem classes or something. ALSO should i take these classes during nursing school (like summer) after nursing school before i appy to the CRNA prgram, or after i get accepted to a CRNA program.
2. After you graduate as a CRNA...then what? I have read there may be an internship and then residency before you are on your own. Is this true and if so is it paid adn how long does it last? I am trying to figure out how many months I will be without a job adn income.Lastly, is it true that it is not good to work during that program?? Is working PRN, such as 1 shift every OTHER that a possibility. any advise is GREATLY appreciated!!!!!