Published Oct 28, 2009
1 Post
I am not sure if I am posting this in the right forum, but if not, please tell me where this would be best to be placed at.
I am currently a pre-nursing student at a community college in Washington. I was in school for Business for over 2 years and had a lot of credits done. I could actually apply for a AS this year. I am running into the timeline where I am applying for Nursing Schools. I have a 2.85gpa, which is not the strong gpa that is needed, but I am trying my hardest to bring this up. School does not come easy for me, but I work hard.
I am currently in Bio A&P (part 1) and unfortunately my grade just dropped in the class to a 80%. I am going to try and keep it steady and bring it up a little if I can, but as most know who take A&P, it does just get harder as time goes on. I have basically 3 more class after this and will have all pre-reqs done for a BSN transfer.
My debate now if if I should also be applying for Nursing school to get an ASN? I know Nursing schools in both are two years, but am wondering which would be best as if I do not get accepted into any school, I am pushed back to Fall '11 to starting school. This may not seem much for many, but now being 30, have racked up student loans so I could considerate more on school, and maintaining living, I am not sure if I can hold off for two years just to start a program then.
My goals are to get a BSN, then go on to MSN and possibly either a PA or CRN-A. I volunteer over 10 hours a week in an ER and this is what has grown my interest in this area, not the salary. Wanted to clarify this as I read a couple of posting saying if you are going into it for money, it is not a good idea.
Nevertheless, I am wondering what would be best. Should I be applying for only BSN programs or should I also apply to ASN programs as I may be able to start a year earlier?
Thank you for your time.
887 Posts
I say apply for both, then that way if you do get into the ASN, you can always apply to an accelerated BSN/MSN program later on which is usually only 18 months or less so you're not really taking up too much time. There are even some ADN-MSN programs out there. Clinicals are going to take two years for either one so I say go for the program you can get into earlier.
22 Posts
Yeah, go for ADN and BSN. Since your GPA is not so great, ADN is your best backup for getting a RN license.
38 Posts
Well you won't go wrong applying for both. Both will take you about 2 years. Many ASN programs will accept you and allow you to complete your prereqs...but I'd go straight BSN. While working on your prereqs you could also be knocking out some of the courses in your school's BSN curriculum like arts & sciences and stats, if you haven't already.
Also, BSNs are usually offered through 4yr colleges and require you to meet admissions criteria for the college AND the nursing school...Soo, please keep that in mind. Every school is not the same. Before applying to my school's ASN program, had to complete 6cr hrs there...that through me for a loop because it wasn't my home school. Good luck..hope this helped a little
62 Posts
You might also want to look into the requirements for the CRNA program. Not all CRNA programs allow you to go for from an ADN to an MSN. Given your GPA, it looks like your best bet might be to go for the ADN then pursue the BSN while working. Not only would you have more time to increase your GPA but you would have time invested working as an RN, which will help you in your application for the CRNA program.
Good luck in your pursuit!
81 Posts
If you're looking ahead to CRNA programs, I know that some require you to have a bachelor's degree. If it's not a BSN, then you have to have your RN in addition to a bachelor's degree, plus 1 year critical care experience. So if you already don't have a 4 year degree and will have to have one anyway, I'd go straight for the BSN and skip the RN to BSN step.