As graduation approaches - self doubt

Nursing Students General Students



Graduation is in December and I'm beginning to have some serious self-doubts about my ability to make it in the "real world". I've not had the easiest time in previous semesters, but I thought I had finally "got it" this semester. That was until this last test. BOMBED big time.

I see classmates already signing contracts for positions and the recruiters are pounding on our doors to get us to join them at one of the many hospitals in the area. I find myself grinding to a halt, unable to decide what kind of a job to go after, if any, and worrying that I won't be able to pass the NCLEX.

Things I know -

  • The more I worry about this, the more I freak out. The more I freak out, the worse I do.
  • There are LOTS of individuals less competent/compassionate than I am who have survived and actually work as nurses
  • The majority of what I will need to know to do my job I will learn on the floor.

That being said, how do I get through the next couple of months? My instructors are great and very encouraging, but I just get so twisted up about this that I can't even focus on this next test - and the cycle continues. My clinical skills are actually pretty good, but in order to put them to work, I've somehow got to break through this mental/emotional paralysis.

Has anyone else dealt with this recently. Have you just said to yourself "What the heck was I thinking? I'm not smart enough, competent enough to do this."? Did you go ahead and interview for positions? Did that help your confidence at all?

Thanks for listening.

Hi don't worry, everyone gets a little scared sometimes.

1) Think back to your clinical experiences, what areas did you like the best/most? Perhaps you will be most comfortable starting in those areas. And once you work for awhile you can test out other areas.

2) Everyone worries about the NCLEX, but if you study and you are prepared you will pass.

3) Concentrate on what you are doing NOW, you haven't graduated yet so think about the task at hand, your tests, your clinicals, and getting to graduation. Once you get there you will be so proud of yourself.

4) Go for interviews, it will help your confidence when you see how much they NEED you. Also, you may be able to shadow a nurse and tour the floor to see if you will be interested.

5) Stop worrying, you are not alone and you are not the only one that feels that way. Take some paper and map out things you need to do and what your goals are, maping them out may help and looking at things on paper may bring you some relief. Once they are over with, cross them out... that way you can see how far you've come.

You will be okay. I graduated last December with some of the same concerns. I didn't feel all that competent but you are right, once you are "done" with school you still will continue to learn. But I knew I had to continue... I didn't go though school just to give up at the end. So I graduated, took my exam, passed, went to job interviews, picked the job that suited ME, and looking back on it all now.... WoW. I DID IT! YOU CAN TOO. Good luck.


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