Published Mar 11, 2009
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
the last several article contest have had specific themes. many of you have asked if we could have a general nursing theme again, so everyone can share their stories. we listened, and here it is.
any nursing related articles
we are looking for any nursing related articles.
just a few ideas to get you thinking...
we welcome all members to share articles. these articles can be written casually if desired, or more formal style if you wish. many times, the more casual, real nursing stories that can impact and help other nurses out in their daily life are just as, if not more powerful.
don't be shy, share your nursing experiences.
here are the contest details:
we are looking for nurses wanting to share their expertise, experience, and knowledge with other nurses. any member can be an author, students, staff, regular members, previous winners are eligible as well. articles can be written more casually if desired, or more formal style. you may submit as many articles as you want.
best rated articles
1st prize $300
2nd prize $150
3rd prize $100
all winners will automatically upgraded to platinum membership for 12 months. (a $60 value)
visit our article section by clicking the articles tab or visit:
nursing articles