Arrest Record & Obtaining a License

Nurses Criminal


Hi everyone! I'm currently in a CNA class & they've just ran my background check, and it came back showing an arrest from 2011 (Felony: Obtaining Property by False Pretense). The outcome of that was it was dismissed and it's showing on my background check that the report was never filed by the officer. In 2013 I went to my lawyers office to get the charge expunged and to my knowledge it has been as to it not showing on any of my job background checks. It just caught me off guard seeing that it has showed up on this report. I wanted to know if this would prevent me from obtaining my CNA license as well as RN license if I get accepted into the program. I'm in North Carolina, also where the arrest occurred.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
Hi everyone! I'm currently in a CNA class & they've just ran my background check, and it came back showing an arrest from 2011 (Felony: Obtaining Property by False Pretense). The outcome of that was it was dismissed and it's showing on my background check that the report was never filed by the officer. In 2013 I went to my lawyers office to get the charge expunged and to my knowledge it has been as to it not showing on any of my job background checks. It just caught me off guard seeing that it has showed up on this report. I wanted to know if this would prevent me from obtaining my CNA license as well as RN license if I get accepted into the program. I'm in North Carolina, also where the arrest occurred.

That depends on whether the school is willing to accept you based on what they find in your background check. They may be OK with it, or they may not.

The fact that a charge is dismissed doesn't necessarily mean it automatically disappears from your criminal record--after all, you were still arrested even if never convicted. I would talk with an attorney to see what can be done to improve your record. Maybe it's possible the arrest could be removed/hidden since the charges were dropped? I don't know...but an attorney would.

As far as becoming a CNA/RN, that depends on your state BON. You will likely have to disclose this to them when you apply, even if it is expunged. So be prepared to address it up front with the BON when application time comes. And should your BON want to talk with you in person about this, be sure to have an attorney with you as the BON is not the nurses' friend.

Best of luck.

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