Army vs. Air Force Nursing pros and cons. Reserve vs. Active?

Specialties Government


I have narrowed down my potential military interest to Army and Air Force. My plan is the get my bachelors in Nursing. I have enrolled in my loacl community college starting pre-nursing this summer, sadly it has no ROTC. I have a few questions.

1. What are the pros and cons of Army vs. Air Force. Listing as much information as you can would help greatly and I'd truly appreciate it (:

2. Say I enlisted now: Would I be able to become a nurse while serving? (This question may sound ignorant.)

3. One of the big reasons I am interested in joiing the military is to get discipline, training, and great fitness. Considering my nursing career and my desire for physical disciple, which branch would you recommend?

4. In which ways would I still lead a normal life when in the military (besides when on deployment) and is it possible that if I live off base my mom could live with me?

5. If I join the reserve, and stay in one place pursiung ky own civilian career but still training and all that jazz, does that mean I could pursue a higher degree in college and have it payed for?

And last but most certainly not least: Did you enjoy your time in the military? Did you love it? Would you recommend for me to take this chance? And what was your time like in the military?

Joining the Military means putting your "Big boy pants" on and kissing Mama goodbye...

It also means taking iniative and doing research (maybe even using the search bar) before asking a question(s) that has already been answered.

The differences between going enlisted or commisioning as an officer are many. Your focus right now should be on meeting the enlistment criteria. Height/weight, Law violations, HS diploma & passing the ASVAB..

Yeah, means not being babied by "mommy" anymore...doesn't I am going to leave her to lose her house and live on the streets....

I have a 4.0 gpa in the 15 credits of college I have right now, I'm 5'7 at 145 lbs. I'm a healthy weight, I have no criminal record. I think I'm pretty much set.

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