Published Nov 1, 2011
ThePrincessBride, MSN, RN, NP
1 Article; 2,594 Posts
I am frustrated. Ok, so I am taking Patho and Fundamentals. I am a first year and I have taken three midterm so far. First patho test I got an 87.5. Average was a 79. Second test was fundamentals. I got an 84 and the average was an 82. Today I took my third midterm my second in patho . I got an 87.5. and the average was an 89. ***! My mom think I am being nuts getting upset, but am I?
82 Posts
It's good to hold yourself to a high standard, but don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. If you're going to stress about a few points, it could backfire and end up causing you test anxiety. You are doing above-average or right around average, which is great! Keep focused and don't worry too much about grades. Are you planning on going to grad school? If not, no one will probably ever see (or care about) your grades once you graduate nursing school. I do not know any nurses who needed high grades to get a job, or even any who had to submit grade information in order to apply for a job.
I do plan on going to grad school. That what is getting me so stressed out. I want to have good enough grades to options open. The grad program is super competitive to get into. It just frustrated me.