Published Oct 21, 2013
10 Posts
I see the discussions on here about union/nonunion, and it is a timely topic. Which is why I'm doing my master's thesis project on job satisfaction of union versus nonunion nurses. My hypothesis is that with lower mandated ratios and union representation, union nurses will have a higher job satisfaction. I'm still collecting responses, and my research proposal is in the research section, if anyone would like to see it.
I've been all over the country, working in ERs from California to RI and back to Tennessee. The hospitals I've worked at which are unionized, just in my experience, have nurses who stay longer and seem more satisfied, in general. This is, of course, just a hypothesis, but studies show that the lower ratios in California have improved nurse retention and job satisfaction. I called CNA/NNU and was advised to talk to the nurses on this thread to see what their general opinion is.
If any of you would like to lend your voice to my research, the link is [COLOR=#003366] and the permissions are in the Nursing Research Forum here. Since California is the only state where ratios are "mandated", and most nurses have union representation, the voices of CA RNs is very important to me.
Will let you all know the end result when my data analysis is done. I will probably leave the survey up for another week or so.