Specialties Geriatric
Published Apr 8, 2007
121 Posts
Just wondering if anyone else out there is a Train the Trainer in their facility?
Does your wage differ from the other RNs in your facility?
What other responsibilities do you have when you aren't teaching?
What do you love about teaching and what do you dislike?
I make the same wage as the other RNs and sometimes feel like I'm bounced all over the place. I carry the title of Pt. Care Coordinator simply because they don't know what else to call me. When I'm not teaching I also work as an MDS coordinator, RN supervisor, Inservice director, many responsibilities. But my wage is only slightly higher than the new RNs that start, and it's only higher because of longevity raises.
I love seeing people that have absolutely no medical background grow and learn new things :yelclap: and be excited about taking care of the elderly:icon_hug: It's really rewarding to have an impact on new CNA's that get excited to the point that they want to be nurses when they grow up
I dislike know it alls that come into class with an attitude (esp. those that were irresponsible enough to let their certifications expire and have to repeat the training - like that's MY fault! :angryfire )
I'd love to hear from some other Train the Trainers!
226 Posts
I've used TTT but not in a hospital setting.
105 Posts
At the facility I worked at before, I was a Medication Administration Train the Trainer. I would hold a monthly class for the new employees and hope that what I was saying about the importance of medication administration would sink in. Sometimes it did and sometimes it did not.